The Ko Huiarau infrastructure is based on a two-tier system that forms an UPPER HOUSE and LOWER HOUSE.
The Upper House is made up of Ariki who whakapapa to the original ariki lines who protect the sovereignty and mandate that support and endorse the Taiopuru.
The Lower House is made up of the Rangatira who through whakapapa support Hapu and Iwi governance, and the election amongst themselves of representatives nominated to the Hapu Runanga (Local authorities), and onwards to Iwi Runanga (Tribal authorities) and finally onto the Runanga Ko Huiarau (National authority).
Iwi Runanga made up of collective of
Hapu Representatives
Hapu Representatives nominated to
Iwi Runanga
Whanau Representatives nominated to
Hapu Runanga
'Whaka Ahua Te Ao Marama' or the sacred mirror triangle of Te Moananui A Kiwa is a map from ancient Maori dimensions of the heavens and corresponds exactly with ancient Hawaiian and Tahitian dimensions. Te Moananui A Kiwa encompasses
all countries within the triangles.
* The area outlined in this map as "Te Moananui A Kiwa" are the countries
that may participate and sit within the House of Te Monanui A Kiwa in the Ko
Huiarau Upper House infrastructure.
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© 2021 - This website has been created by Ko Huiarau web designers.